
Showing posts from April 7, 2019


IMPORTANCE OF PARTS OF SPEECH. PREPOSITION (MAHENDIRAN.V) 📓📓📓📓📓📓 PREPOSITION is a word that links two words in a sentence or phrase. "I am living IN Nagapattinam" "Is she going TO Chennai?" "Where are you FROM?" "Keep it INTO your pocket" "English is spoken ACROSS the world BY millions OF People" "One OF pens is INSIDE the drawer OF my table located NEAR the wall mirror" Capitalised above are prepositions. Leading prepositions are, ON, IN, UNDER, NEAR, ACROSS, AROUND, ABOVE, BELOW, BETWEEN, INSIDE, OUTSIDE, INTO, ONTO, UP TO, TILL, ABOUT, OF, AT, AMONG, OVER, WITH, WITHIN, WITHOUT and so on. We can't make sentences without contribution of PREPOSITIONS, so that the role of preposions is so important in the language. PREPOSITION PHRASES are there in the language besides PREPOSITIONS. Leading pre.phrases are, ACCORDING TO WITH A VIEW TO BY VIRTUE OF BY DINT OF DUE TO WITH REFERENCE TO and so on


IMPORTANCE OF PARTS OF SPEECH ARTICLES (MAHENDIRAN.V) 📓📓📓📓📓📓 There are 3 words in the language. A An THE These are called ARTICLES in the language. They just denote some nouns or noun phrase. A and AN are called INDEFINITE ARTICLES while the remain THE is called DEFINITE ARTICLES. A boy (any boy) An Institution (any institution) The boy (the particular boy) The Institution (the particular Institution) In Indefinite, A is used before a word that starts a consonant sound. AN is used before a word that begins a vowel sound. The same thing happens in Definite article. THE is used and pronounced as "DHA' when it is used before a word that begins a consonant sound, while it is sounded as "DHI" when it appears before a word that begins a vowel sound. How to identify the place whether one is indefinite or definite..? "I saw A man with AN umbrella in his hand. THE man was struggling with THE umbrella to fold it. A boy came and helped THE


IMPORTANCE OF PARTS OF SPEECH ADVERB. (MAHENDIRAN.V) 📒📒📒📒📒📒 ADVERB is a word that amplifies a verb's action. One that looks like an answer to the Questions HOW, WHERE, WHEN will be an adverb. Quality of action is the answer to HOW. That is called ADVERB OF QUALITY. Place where an action goes is ADVERB OF PLACE. Time when an action goes on is ADVERB OF TIME. Some other adverbs are there like FREQUENCY, EFFECT. Answer to the Questions HOW OFTEN/HOW LONG/HOW FAR will be ADVERB OF FREQUENCY. Answer to the questions WHY/FOR WHAT will be an ADVERB OF EFFECT. Of these ADVERB OF QUALITY is knowns as ABSOLUTE ADVERB while in others, likely noun and noun with adjective are fulfilled in a sentence. ADVERB OF QUALITY likely end in spelling as "" except some words like ALONE SPEED FAST and so on. Eg. I finished the job correctly. He came here alone . They bowl always fast. You must know fundamentally to drive a car. Intelligently he has answer


IMPORTANCE OF PARTS OF SPEECH. ADJECTIVE (MAHENDIRAN.V) -------------------- A word that describes quality of a noun, placing before or placing after a be form verb is called ADJECTIVE. " She is a BEAUTIFUL girl" " She is BEAUTIFUL" BEAUTIFUL is adjective here. It is describing the girl's quality. First one is ATTRIBUTIVE ADJECTIVE and the second one is PREDICATE ADJECTIVE. Another one is there, that is, POST POSITIVE POSITION. "Kamarajar THE GREAT was genius and honest in politics" (Genius and honest also adjectives here. They are in PREDICATE position.) This position is used rarely in the language. Anyway, an adjective can function in three positions. Attributive position (placing before a noun) and Predicate position (placing after a 'be' form verb in pure present or past tense) are frequently used in the language. The last one is post positive position. Rarely it is used. Let's go the ATTRIBUTIVE position. That is


IMPORTANCE OF PARTS OF SPEECH. AUXILIARY (Written by MAHENDIRAN.V) AUXILIARY is a word that supports to a verb for its action. A verb cannot function in a sentence without an auxiliary. There are only 26 auxiliaries in the language. AM, IS, ARE, WAS, WERE These are called DESIGNATED AUXILIARY CUM VERB. These words can function as an auxiliary and as a verb in different situations. The feature of these words is, when these are used as a verb, they will not take any auxiliary for support. DO, DOES, DID, HAVE, HAS, HAD, BE, BEEN, BEING - are called AUXILIARY CUM VERB. These too can be used as an auxiliary and as a verb in different situations. When they are used as a verb they would need an auxiliary for support. MAY CAN SHALL WILL - are called PURE AUXILIARIES. They cannot be used as a verb at any situation. MIGHT COULD WOULD SHOULD MUST OUGHT TO - known as Premium pure auxiliaries. They too can be used only as an auxiliary. Can never be used as a verb. MAHENDIRAN.V


IMPORTANCE OF PARTS OF SPEECH IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE Introduction the first three parts - NOUN, PRONOUN and VERB. MAHENDIRAN. V 📕📕📕📕📕📕📕 Any word we use in the language would belong to any one of 10 parts. If we add punctuation in this case , there would be 11 parts of speech in English. NOUN, PRONOUN, VERB, AUXILIARY, ADJECTIVE, ADVERB, ARTICLES, PREPOSITION, CONJUNCTION, INTERJECTION and PUNCTUATION are those parts. 📓📓📓📓📓📓 ➡️Noun is a word that is seen anything in front of us. Four kinds of nouns are there. See "classification of nouns" in this page. 📓📓📓📓📓📓 ➡️Pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun. Basic pronouns are so important. I, WE YOU, HE, SHE, IT THEY are SUBJECTIVE BASIC PRONOUNS. ME, US, YOU, HIM, HER, IT, THEM are OBJECTIVE BASIC PRONOUNS. MY, OUR, YOUR, HIS, HER, ITS, THEIR are POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVAL BASIC PRONOUNS. MINE, OURS, YOURS, HIS, HERS, ITS, THEIRS are POSSESSIVE BSSIC PRONOUNS. MYSELF, OURSELVES, YOURSEF/YOU


CLASSIFICATION OF NOUNS (MAHENDIRAN.V) 🛅🛅🛅🛅🛅🛅🛅🛅 There are 4 kinds of nouns. PROPER COMMON COLLECTIVE ABSTRACT 📒📒📒📒📒📒 PROPER NOUN means names of persons/ countries/ Months/ days. (RAJU INDIA CHENNAI TAMILNADU JANUARY MONDAY) 📒📒📒📒📒📒 COMMON NOUN means Common persons, things, places, any living and non living being. (FATHER MOTHER SISTER TEMPLE PARK FISH SEA TEA TIGER FOREST CROW WATER MAN WOMAN SHOP ROAD RECEIPT CAR VAN DRIVER FOOD and so on...) 📒📒📒📒📒📒 COLLECTIVE NOUN means A bunch of persons/ things.. Anything that is mass of amount. (MILITARY GANG CROWD POLICE TEAM CATTLE UNIT SQUAD and so on...) 📒📒📒📒📒📒 ABSTRACT NOUN means Quality or status or dignity of a person or a thing or anything. Can't see or feel but recognize them. (INVESTIGATION EXAMINATION AWARENESS PRECAUTION VELOCITY GRAVITY POSSESSEVINESS AMBITION ENEMINESS (enemy is common noun) TRUST FUND SUFFICIENCY LACKNESS BEAUTY UGLINESS SENSE KNOWLEDGE FOOLISHNESS CORREC


Simple but Important. Lack in this too might be a reason, being unwell in English. So, Have a glance and realize how important this is. ⏬ BASIC PRONOUNS Pronouns are the words used instead of nouns. (Noun பெயர்ச்சொல் Pronoun பிரதிப் பெயர்ச்சொல்.) Kala SHE Tiger IT Snake IT Tiger and Snake THEY Sachin. HE Sachin and Ragul THEY I WE YOU are called personal pronouns. So, Let's see all basic pronouns title versa. SUBJECTIVE basic Pronouns ➡️I நான் ➡️WE நாங்கள்/நாம் ➡️YOU நீ ➡️HE அவன் ➡️SHE அவள் ➡️ITஅது ➡️THEY அவர்கள்,அவைகள் __________________ OBJECTIVE basic Pronouns. ➡️ME என்னை ➡️US எங்களை,நம்மை ➡️YOU உன்னை ➡️HIM அவனை ➡️HER அவளை ➡️IT அதனை ➡️THEM அவர்களை, அவைகளை ___________________ POSSESSIVE Adjectival pronouns. ➡️MY என்னுடைய ➡️OUR எஙகளுடைய நம்முடைய ➡️YOUR உன்னுடைய ➡️HIS அவனுடைய ➡️HER அவளுடைய ➡️ITS அதனுடைய ➡️THEIR அவர்களுடைய, அவர்களுடைய. ___________________ POSSESSIVE basic pronouns. ➡️MINE என்னுடையத