
Showing posts from October 14, 2018


Transitivity of verbs are classified as Transitive, Intransitive and Absolute Intransitive. --------------- A verb which takes an object in a sentence means transitive verb. "I WRITE A LETTER " " SHE RUNS MANY COMPANIES ACROSS THE WORLD " " HE WALKS HIS BABY FIRST TIME" "THE NURSE SAT THE PATIENT ON A CUSHION CHAIR. *************** Any verb which doesn't take an object in a sentence for a situation means intransitive verb. " SHE CAN WRITE FAST" (so, Give this work to her.) " SHE RUNS SLOWLY" (so, she won't win in the race.) "WHERE DO YOU WALK TO SO FAST? " " THE PATIENT SAT ON THE CHAIR HIMSELF" *************** Some verbs can never take an object at any situation. They are called Absolute Intransitive verb. GO, COME and a few are in this case. *************** V. MAHENDIRAN MAHENDIRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM TAMILNADU-INDIA

NEED - as a verb and auxiliary in different situations.

NEED -  as a verb and auxiliary in different situations. ------------------------ NEED AS A VERB . 🍏What do you need to say? 🍏I don't need to say anything. 🍏Does anyone need to say anything about this? 🍏I need to say something. 🍏I needed to say my suggestion yesterday. 🍏Will you need the script in your hand on the conference, held tomorrow? (Likely, NEED is not used in continuous tenses.) NEED is a transitive verb. See NEED is in passive form.  🍏Your suggestion is needed. 🍏Yes the script will be needed on my submission. --------------------- NEED AS AN AUXILIARY. 🍎Need I bring my original documents? 🍎Yes, you need bring. 🍎No,  you need not bring it. V. Mahendiran Nagapattinam ADMIN MAHENDIRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM

DARE as an auxiliary and as a verb.

1. DARE auxiliary. 2. DARE  verb. 1. AUXILIARY How dare you ask this question ? Who dare answer it? I dare answer it. Sorry, I dare not answer it. 2. VERB How do you dare to ask this question? Who does dare to answer it? I dare to answer it. Sorry, I don't dare to answer it. Is there any difference between these usages? Not at all in the meaning except some micro dialects, however, it depends upon the situations. V. MAHENDIRAN MIMSE GLOBAL ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM