
A new topic is discussed in our centre titled TIT TO TIE. [Reviewing Thoughts In Tamil into Thoughts In English]

TIT to TIE What is TIT to TIE...? This is a kinda exercise. The thoughts spoken obviously in Tamilness is reviewed into Englishness. It does not mean a translation work but something different. You would be asked to speak an idea, given in Tamil, to speak spontaneously in English. You will not be given time to translate. Continuously Ideas would be thrown to you as soon as you finish your previous speech. This is the task of this exercise. How will it be useful to learners...? Only this will be useful to learners now-days as a fast track expression. Learners would  get surely flow, and I have proof a lot by experimenting with my students for long days. Grammar....? Separately it would go on like 'a butter applied cake'.  You should not learn /study Grammar as if you think that you are revising Grammar. Grammar is not taught to you here, but to embed into your mind through some authentic exercises. Anyway, Though Grammar is important you shouldn't be concent

Special class has been assigned for Engineering graduates specially for freshers.

Engineering graduates who are eager to be trained for attending Interviews are invited. Class hours: 10 am to 12 noon 22 classes. Fee Rs.2500 It's a completely practical class. Students must be speaking only in English (right or wrong) during class hours. We will properly guide you to remove the mistakes may be done on your conversation. This class will surely be a good platform to have training to attend your interviews. Only Engineering graduates at any discipline will be admitted in this class. Desired candidates may contact ringing up 9842490745 V.MAHENDIRAN THE DIRECTOR

Can every simple sentence be changed into complex or compound...?

You might be hearing an exercise, changing a simple sentence into complex and compound in your text questions.  Can every simple be changed into complex or compound...? No, It's impossible unless the simple sentence contains a phrase that helps to make complex or compound. "I am living in Chennai" This is a simple sentence. Can it be changed into complex...? No, there is no phrase with this simple. Only a simple sentence along with phrase can be done into complex or compound. "Because of capital of  our state, I am living in Chennai." This is also a simple but with phrase (because of capital of our state-is phrase here.), so it is possible to change into complex or compound. "I am living in Chennai because it is the capital of our state."- Complex " Chennai is the capital of our state and so/ so that/ hence/ so / I am living here - Compound For queries, Dial 9842490745 MAGHENDRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH [MIMSE] NAGAP

See some sorted out simple, complex and compound sentences.

Simple Sheela taught classical dance in the U.S on her staying there for 5 years Complex Sheela taught classical dance when she was staying in the U.S for 5 years. Compund Sheela stayed in the U.S for 5 years, then she taught classical dance  ________________________________________________ Simple In spite of her being tall, she wasn't selected in the fitness examination. Complex Although she was tall, she wasn't selected in the fitness examination. Compound She was tall but she wasn't selected in the fitness examination. ________________________________________________ Simple Due to Oviya's getting stress, she quieted from the game of Big Boss. Complex Since (or) As Oviya had gotten stress, she quieted from the show of Big Boss. Compound Oviya had gotten stress so that she quieted from the show of Big Boss ________________________________________________ Simple Being an unsupported man, he has achieved. Complex Though he is an unsupporte


What is an adjective...? A word which describes the quality of a noun sitting before the noun in all types of structures, this type of position is 'attributive'. (Sometimes, adjective can be placed after 'be' form verbs in pure present or pure past tense, this type of position is 'predicate') CAPITALIZED ARE ADJECTIVES IN ATTRIBUTIVE POSITION CULTURAL function            [Standard adjectives] FANTASTIC idea CONTINUAL rain BEAUTIFUL home MISCELLANEOUS file ENGLISH teacher                 [Noun adjectives] BOOK stall SCHOOL student HOME theatre MARRIAGE hall HIS pen                                 [Possessive adjectives] MEN'S toilet HER chudidhar  RAGUL'S activities MY name WALKING stick                  [Present participle adjectives] SWIMMING pool RUNNING race TALKING dog PARKING spot THAT man                          [Demonstrative adjectives] THIS boy THESE guys THOSE players SUCH thin


This is an easy way to develop your communication skills in English. Imagine, you are in the situation to hearing all speeches in Tamil near your surrounding. Just utilise them for your learning or developing your communication skills.  How...? Your mind spontaneously should do such conversation into English. I mean, you have to think, if they were in English how it would be. It's a kinda self learning method. Listen the conversations going on in Tamil surrounding you, patch that conversation in your mind and try yourself to speak the same in English. It's an easy getting opportunity to develop your communication  skills in English. If you wish to experience like this practice, enroll with us as a student, we will train you. Thanks V.MAHENDIRAN FOUNDER/DIRECTOR MAGHENDRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH [MIMSE] NAGAPATTINAM


Phonetics is a study about to transcribe a word to pronounce, or to learn to pronounce English words. There are 44 sounds or characters while 26 letters are there in English to text the words. We do not pronounce often according to characters as we use to do thorough letters. In fact we use to adjust ourselves to pronounce words though letters are right solution to pronounce. Only here, the 44 characters are helping us to make correct pronunciation to words. Those 44 sounds are divided as 2 sections. They are vowels and Consonants. There are 20 sounds in vowels and 24 in consonants. The 20 sounds of vowels are divided as 2 sub-divisions. They are Pure vowels and Diphthongs. There are 12 sounds in pure vowels while Diphthongs contains 8 sounds. The 24 sound of consonants are divided as 6 sub-divisions. Plosives: 6 sounds; Fricatives: 9 sounds; Affricates: 2 sounds; Nasals: 3 sounds; Lateral: 1 sound and the Semi vowels: 3 sounds. Without combination of vowels and