
Show which is main and subordinate in the following.

I couldn't understand what you are saying. The matter mentioned here is making me happy. I too finished my degree in the University where you had done. Mr.X whom you'd interviewed last week has joined in the opponent party now. Please do something which is useful for this society. Mail your answer to Prepared by  V.MAHENDIRAN THE FOUNDER MIMSE NAGAPATTINAM

Just Try to change the voice of the following

Where is your purse? Where did you meet him? Could this task be done by any one of you here? Speaking too much may cause some troubles to you. I've forgotten where I kept the key. Are you rushing for an interview? Let all items be safely kept on the table. In which area are troubled by this task maker? Will it be given on time by you? Ask Peter to do this work. Someone else has to switch off the machine. Is he to be awarded by the Governor? How did you feel such environment then? Would India have beaten Australia if Aus hadn't put that much target? Doesn't the coffee taste sweet? Prepared by V.MAHENDIRAN THE FOUNDER  MIMSE NAGAPATTINAM

You must need Grammar to know the rules but it shouldn't influence when you speak

You must need Grammar to know the rules but it shouldn't influence when you speak. Please read this article  ENGLISH IS NOT TAUGHT BUT CAN BE CAUGHT. Yes. One can't teach or learn English to speak, but an  intelligent trainer can input English nuts into learners' mind by their authentic training. The training should not be like a black board system, even a digital mode unless it is necessary.  In my place, of course I don not use any black board or marker anything else, but sportively practice is given to make them speak in English. I can kill with Grammar for passing time. Sorry, I am not sailing on the boat if the class is assigned for teaching Grammar. Because, I have experienced in the past days and got burnt. It means, some couldn't speak though being good in Grammar. So, I have found myself a new methodology never copying anyone's else. I would say, only my methodologies are imitated by some institutions nowadays. What is the feature in my methodolo
See this video to know the pronunciation of each letter.

Wish you all the best on this day related very much to Education

MIMSE celebrates and wishes you the same on this  day which is specially iconed for Education. The Goddess Kalimaghal leased this day to bless all of us. On other hand, All traders are worshiping their instruments namely Ayudha Poojaa. In Hindu religion, every festival has reasonable reasons and being celebrated is well known. Today is the day, it is very much believed that it's good to make the kids commence their education. So that, all schools are admitting kids for LKG or I std today though this academy year may not be counted as first. You might have heard that the kids would be directed to write the alphabet on some spread paddy in front of holy lamp at all homes where this act is performed. Even if you do not admit your kid in school today because of lack or year, You may direct your kid to do the performance said above at your home itself. Since long long years ago our ancestors had been doing this on this  day. GREETINGS TO ALL V.MAHENDIRAN THE FOUNDER MIMSE

A trick to have fluency- Vai.Mahendiran

Speak and speak always with any one in English who knows English. Though both of you are in other tongue, speak only in English. Don't skip to your own tongue or interpret into. Perhaps other listeners try to blame both of you, don't bother such person. you guys resume your speech. What topic can you speak?  It's just up to both of you, you may opt the beauty of Ishwarya rai too or about the space or the oceans or about recent political affairs, about anything you can be chatting. But the condition is to be speaking only in English, that's all. If committing errors what to do? It's not a matter in the first stage or even at any stage..! Is English your mother tongue? Then why need you be worried out of that? Think that you are venturing on another boat called English. Rowing it for times may cause some difficulties to you. If you row for some distance, Rowing will be your habitual. You would be surprised of course, whether you are rowing so fast the boat.!

Only continual practice is possible to get fluency

Just spend one hour and meet some difficulties during our practical class. One on one class too is available now in the morning batch, which status you are is not a matter, we have a source to provide you. For more details, contact us dialing or visiting in person. V.MAHENDIRAN THE DIRECTOR MIMSE NAGAPATTINAM