

TYPES OF VERBS.  Needless to say that it is so important. If there is no verb,  that is not a sentence. What is verb? Every sentence has a verb,and gives an action to it. (Capitalised are verbs) When did you FINISH it? I AM Mahendiran. I am TEACHING Grammar. How do you DO? SWITCH ON your mobile phone. Why is this guy TORTURING us? Who IS he? If you ask,  'How many verbs are there in English language?' it's hardly to answer. Millions of verbs are there, we use some thousands or hundreds, that's all. Anyway, every verb functions as four forms. Such as PRESENT FORM (V1) Eg. WRITE. PAST FORM (V2) Eg. WROTE. PAST PARTICIPLE FORM (V3) Eg. WRITTEN. PRESENT PARTICIPLE FORM (V4) Eg. WRITING. Any verb has four forms as seen above. (Go to my link verb analysis slides .) These four forms are used in different tenses with a strong support of auxiliaries. V1 is used in all simple tenses with relevant au

Types of Pronouns

Types of Pronouns. What is pronoun? Some words that are used instead of nouns are pronouns. I WE YOU HE SHE IT THEY are called Subjective basic pronouns. ME US YOU HIM HER IT THEM are called Objective basic pronouns. MY OUR YOUR HIS HER ITS THEIR are called Possessive basic pronouns, (but they are known as Possessive Adjectives.) MINE OURS YOURS HIS HERS ITS THEIRS are called Possessive basic pronouns. MYSELF OURSELVES YOURSELF/YOURSELVES HIMSELF HERSELF ITSELF THEMSELVES are called Reflexive pronouns. THIS THESE THOSE THAT SUCH are called Demonstrative pronouns. EACH OTHER ANOTHER are known as Distributive pronouns. EITHER NEITHER are called Reciprocal Pronouns. ONE SOME ANY MANY ALL NONE are known as Indefinite pronouns. (Also they are known as Indefinite adjectives.) WHAT WHICH WHO WHOM are known as Interrogative pronouns. Anyhow, a pronoun is an another word for a noun. V. MAHENDIRAN FOUNDER MAHENDIRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH (MIMSE GLOBA


TYPES OF NOUNS. Noun is well known that anything in front of you. Person, thing, any living or non living being. Quality, status of a person or a thing is also a noun. Mainly four types are there. Proper noun Common noun Abstract noun Collective noun. Proper noun means names of persons, countries, cities etc. Also names of months, days are also proper noun. GANESH, NAGAPATTINAM, TAMILNADU, CHENNAI, INDIA, MONDAY, JANUARY etc. Common noun means any living being, things anything in the world. Big volume of items are common noun. FATHER, FAMILY, HOME, TOWN,  COUNTRY (NOT NAME), TABLE, CHAIR, BUILDING, TOAD, CAR, DRIVER, SHOP, SOAP, BATHROOM, BIRD, ANIMAL, COMPUTER etc. Abstract noun mean quality of a person or a thing, anything that is not seen but recognised. EDUCATION, VOLUME, DENSITY, THICKNESS, SOFTNESS, HARDNESS, EXAMINATION, CAUTION, PRECAUTION, ADMINISTRATION, NATIONALISM, BRAVERY, COURAGE, COWARD, SUPERIORITY COMPLEX etc. Collective noun means a gang of anything bei


I have said many times in my previous posts that a learner must know the rules of voices, tenses and statements.  It means, a sentence that may be framed in simple present tense/active voice /affirmative to be promoted in negative, regular interrogative against all compartments, specific interrogative (both positive and negative) and tag interrogative (both positive and negative) ON BOTH VOICES.  This type of task is called STATEMENT PROMOTION ON BOTH VOICES. I titled myself, the same is trained to my students.  This task should be done for all tenses. The sentence should be a transitive one, because only then one can do on both active and passive voices.  First, students should be asked to write. Then to read the same extensively. Later, to speak the same without referring the notebook. However, students must not be tortured by giving any tough sentence in beginning.  Should start from the simple present tense giving an easy structure, like, I WRITE A LETTER TO MY FR
English is a hybrid language. This is the reason that she looks hard and soft to learners. Scandinavian and west Germanic are the parental ancestors of English. English can be caught but not taught- is a familiar sentence, trainers must know it. Grammar of this language is intellectual as she was made of several languages in structures. There is no much difference between literate and colloquial forms in spoken English. However, some rhythms are added on speaking. She was born in England and spread across the world due to  various reasons. Besides ENGLAND, USA, CANADA, SOUTH AFRICA, AUSTRALIA and  NEW ZEALAND rule their offices in complete  English as a mother tongue. Also some rich lands in Europe continent are the  owners of English. Besides Scandinavian and West Germanic, Latin, Spanish, French and Greek have blessed this language to be a first class language in the world. In fact, seventy percent of words that you use today didn't exist in old English. All were impo

*Missing the woods for the trees* What does it mean?

*Missing the woods for the trees* - is a familiar idiom in English. (WOODS means FOREST) It is meant in various ways. It might mean, Horlicks manufacturer buys an half kg Horlicks bottle from a road side grocery shop. He is missing there his forest that is his godown but needs his product on road side. In another angle, it could mean, As the trees are cut down one by one, forest loses its image.' Peter sold out his good business as he was in need of big money. V. MAHENDIRAN MIMSE NAGAPATTINAM