
Short story. THE LOVE RESCUED Written by V. MAHENDIRAN

Short story. THE LOVE RESCUED Written by V. MAHENDIRAN 🏒🏒🏒🏒🏒🏒🏒🏒 Who is that? Asked Sindhu. I'm here, open the door. Replied Rani. Rani came in and Sindhu asked Rani to have seat. Rani asked what have you decided? Nothing to say, I don't go to change my decision. Said  Sindhu. Rani emphasised Sindhu to forget Shankar, son of Rani, lover of Sindhu. Sorry Aunty, I may die without him. Said Sindhu. Sindhu, He will not be more in three months, that you wouldn't know. Rani gave a shock. What do you mean? - Sindhu. Yes, he is having blood cancer, treatment is going on. He didn't say to me..! How would he say, he doesn't know in this regard. I haven't revealed to him as the doctor had advised me. Doesn't he know?, What do you mean!? Shocked Sindhu. Hence, I would say, please delete him from your mind circuit, that's good for you. Said Rani. Following day, Rani yelled, shankar, shankar.... No, she got any response from his bed

The Truth about English

English is the easiest language in the world. Because she is the tool that was made of best aspects collected from several languages. She was logically designed by experts who were proficient in multilingualism. Assembling words to be a right syntax is an intelligent matter in this language. The dialects in this language are flexible for handling. So that even  non natives too can handle her like a mother tongue. Many words have been imported from various languages for beautifying this language era versa. According to today's assessment, it is known that seventy percent of words hadn't existed when she was found before tenth century. Ingris was her name during eighth century, indeed you couldn't believe that many non natives decorated her when she was spoken by her native speakers in England. She spread by virtue of God across the world owing to many reasons as a second or official language whereas some ancient languages, like Latin, Greek, French, Spanish an


TRANSITIVE, INTRANSITIVE, PERSONAL, IMPERSONAL are modes of sentences.  The first two is concerned for Active structures and the remain two for Passive.  If your active (voice) structure contains an object, that is transitive active. If no, that's intransitive active.  Likewise, in passive, if there is an object, that's personal passive, otherwise impersonal passive.  V. Mahendiran Nagapattinam

How to answer Reading Compression?

How to answer Reading Compression?  First of all you should be able to understand the meaning in every phase. Anyhow, Read completely the passage. Even though you couldn't catch the meaning in early phases, the following phases shall drive you to catch the meaning of the first phases. About what the passage says should be gathered while reading. If it is apart from your knowledge, read completely two or three times. Saving time is important, isn't it? So, Run your mind passionately on the passage. Let your mind bring an interest while reading. Unknown vocabulary can be gotten by you from the lines that follow such word. So, hurl up panic while reading. When you start your reading, let  not  your mind roam anywhere, concentrate only the lines you read. Surely you will get and store in your mind.  If you know the answers in the multiple choice questions in the first section, that means you can answer the second section summarising. Don't summarise as it is said

Either, Neither / Either... or, Neither..... nor.....

Either, Neither - are known as DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNS. Would take only singular verb. They cab be alone or with noun/pronoun as a phrase in subject or object. "Either of them will take the seminar tomorrow. (Either is used here considering any one of two persons)" "Either of your answers is right. (Two persons have answered. One of them is right)" "Neither of your answers is right.(Two persons are there. Both is wrong.)" --------------------------- If EITHER/NEITHER is followed by a noun, it is known as DISTRIBUTIVE ADJECTIVES. Yes, here too singular verb to used. "Either road leads my office. (Two roads are there. Either left road or right road leads my office)" "Neither road leads my office. (Two roads are there. (None leads my office)" -------------------------- EITHER.... OR, NEITHER...... NOR How to use them? Here too, action is distributed any one element of two elements in compound sentences. "Either you

WILL or SHALL? Where and when to use which?

WILL or SHALL? Where and when to use which? WILL is stronger than SHALL in Absolution status in the future case. Both can be used for all persons to mean a future occasion but absolution is taken by WILL more than SHALL. But some Grammarians say SHALL is for I and WE,  and WILL is contracted by HE SHE and THEY. This rule need not be followed for common expression. Then why do they say this rule? While asking permission, only SHALL is used for I and WE. See here. SHALL I GO? SHALL WE START THE COUNTDOWN FOR LAUNCHING THE VESSEL? (Asking permission) WILL I GO? WILL WE START THE COUNTDOWN FOR LAUNCHING THE VESSEL? (Doubtful discussion) V. Mahendiran Founder MAHENDIRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM 


TYPES OF VERBS.  Needless to say that it is so important. If there is no verb,  that is not a sentence. What is verb? Every sentence has a verb,and gives an action to it. (Capitalised are verbs) When did you FINISH it? I AM Mahendiran. I am TEACHING Grammar. How do you DO? SWITCH ON your mobile phone. Why is this guy TORTURING us? Who IS he? If you ask,  'How many verbs are there in English language?' it's hardly to answer. Millions of verbs are there, we use some thousands or hundreds, that's all. Anyway, every verb functions as four forms. Such as PRESENT FORM (V1) Eg. WRITE. PAST FORM (V2) Eg. WROTE. PAST PARTICIPLE FORM (V3) Eg. WRITTEN. PRESENT PARTICIPLE FORM (V4) Eg. WRITING. Any verb has four forms as seen above. (Go to my link verb analysis slides .) These four forms are used in different tenses with a strong support of auxiliaries. V1 is used in all simple tenses with relevant au