
The class for English Grammar


New batch on October 2020


A message from the Author

 A message from the Author. ------------ I've written it earlier... Once again it's posted here for your glance! ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Speaking in English (if you are a non native of English) is like doing by a batsman where to send the ball before it is bowled in cricket. The thought what you want to speak to be done instantly in English instead of converting from your MT to English...! Right...? Send me your feedback... Thanks. MAHENDIRAN V The Author.

FALSE NEWS BECOMES TRUTH. (A tiny story by the Author)

 FALSE NEWS BECOMES TRUTH.  (A tiny story by the Author) Peter knew that it was untrue. But he didn't show it of his face.  Peter, Don't you believe?  Yes,  I believe utterly.  No you should have crossed as you do alway. - George.  No, It is different. No way to counter. - Peter.  Then why did you argue for my statements so far?  Ha ha.., Most of them had looked unbelievable, but not this...  How far do you believe it? -  George.  Sorry, I couldn't weigh.. much more...  Ok, At least now, Do you believe that I am not a liar? Asked George.  Then.. You might be a liar but in this case. Replied Peter.  Oh..  How do you put trust on me for this message I said you just now?  Why do you go far away, George? I trust you that's all.  Ok Peter.. I like you for your putting me trust on me... George nerved.  It's ok, George..  Peter, Don't you have doubt and you can't suspect me for what I said to you?  No, Why do I need to suspect?  No, Peter...  Slightly your face loo


 PREPOSITION is a word that links two words in a sentence or phrase. "I am living IN Nagapattinam" "Is she going TO Chennai?" "Where are you FROM?" "Keep it INTO your pocket" "English is spoken ACROSS the world BY millions OF People" "One OF the pens is INSIDE the drawer OF my table located NEAR the wall mirror" Capitalised above are prepositions. Leading prepositions are,  ON, IN, UNDER, NEAR, ACROSS, AROUND, ABOVE, BELOW, BETWEEN, INSIDE, OUTSIDE, INTO, ONTO, UP TO, TILL, ABOUT, OF, AT, AMONG, OVER, WITH, WITHIN, WITHOUT and so on. We can't make sentences without contribution of PREPOSITIONS, so that the role of preposition is so important in the language. PREPOSITON PHRASES are there in the language besides PREPOSITIONS. Leading prepositions phrases are,  ACCORDING TO WITH A VIEW TO BY VIRTUE OF BY DINT OF DUE TO WITH REFERENCE TO and so on. These are used likely in simple sentences for wrapping a matter that may be exp


 ARTICLES There are 3 words in the language. A An THE These are called ARTICLES. They just denote some nouns or noun phrase. ‘A’ and ‘AN’ are called INDEFINITE ARTICLES while the remains ‘THE’ is called DEFINITE ARTICLE. A boy (any boy) INDEFINITE An Institution (any institution) INDEFINITE The boy (the particular boy) DEFIITE The Institution (the particular Institution) DEFINITE In Indefinite,  ‘A’ is used before a word that starts a consonant sound and ‘AN’ is used before a word that begins a vowel sound. The same thing happens in Definite article. ‘THE’ is used and pronounced as "DHA' when it is used before a word that begins a consonant sound, while it sounds as "DHI" when it appears before a word that begins a vowel sound. How to identify the place whether one is indefinite or definite..? "I saw a man with an umbrella in his hand. the man was struggling with the umbrella to fold it. A boy came and helped THE man. In ending the boy asked the man where he was


 ADVERB is a word that amplifies a verb's action.  One that looks like an answer to the Questions HOW, WHERE, WHEN will be an adverb. Quality of action is the answer to HOW. That is called ADVERB OF QUALITY. Place where an action goes is ADVERB OF PLACE. Time when an action goes on is ADVERB OF TIME. Some other adverbs are there like FREQUENCY, EFFECT.  Answer to the Questions HOW OFTEN/HOW LONG/HOW FAR will be ADVERB OF FREQUENCY.  Answer to the questions WHY/FOR WHAT will be an ADVERB OF EFFECT. Of these, only ADVERB OF QUALITY is known as ABSOLUTE ADVERB while others are just a part time adverbs. ADVERB OF QUALITY likely end in spelling as "" except some words like ALONE SPEED FAST and so on Eg. I finished the job correctly. He came here alone. They bowl always fast. You must know fundamentally to drive a car. Intelligently he has answered. ADVERB OF QUALITY can be placed anywhere such as subjective or predicative. Surely I will come. I will surely come. I wi