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MIMSE opens a new batch

Maghendraa Institute of Mutual Spoken English opens a new batch for degree and upper level candidates. Contact to enroll, dialing 9842490745 

mimse 31 10 2017


நம் நாட்டின் கல்வித் தரம்

நம் நாட்டின் கல்வித் தரம் ஆங்கிலத்தில் இதைச் சொல்லவேண்டுமென்றால் , 'No error in script but in distributing and in-taking" என்று ஒற்றை வரியில் சொல்லிவிடலாம். ஒட்டுமொத்தமாக அனைத்து கல்வி நிறுவனங்களையும் , ஆசிரியர்களையும் குறை சொல்லிவிட முடியாது , ஆனாலும் எண்ணிக்கை குறைவாக உள்ளதென்பது உண்மை. மதிப்பெண் ஒன்றே குறிக்கோள் என்ற நோக்கில் , பல கல்வி நிறுவனங்கள் செயல்படுவதால் , FULFILLED மாணவர்களை உருவாக்க முடியாமல் போவது எதார்த்தமாகிவிட்டது. சமீபத்திய NEET EXAM - ல் நிகழ்ந்த தேர்ச்சி விகிதாச்சாரமே இதற்கு சான்று. ஒரு மாணவன் , தன் சார்ந்த பாடத்திலேயே நிறைக்கல்வி பெற முடியாத பட்சத்தில் , மற்ற துறைகளில் எப்படி சிறந்து விளங்குவான் ? கல்வி முறைகளில் மாற்றம் வருவது மட்டுமே இதற்கு தீர்வாகி விடாது.! கல்வி போதிக்கும் நிறுவனங்கள் , மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள் தன் பணியை கடமையே என்று மட்டும் செய்யாது , ஆத்மார்த்தமாக செய்தால் தான் பலன் கிட்டும். மாணவர்களின் ஒத்துழைப்பு தரம் தாழ்ந்துள்ளது என்பதை எந்த மாணவனும் மறுக்கமுடியாது. தங்களை யாரும் கட்டுப்படுத்தக்கூடாது என்ற நோக்கில் மாணவர்களும் வகுப்

Native or Non-native is not a matter.! English is the property for all. Listen here, the 3 ways to overcome.....

Watch  this video how words are pronounced though the speaker in a non native of English. Courtesy to the site. Thank you. V.MAHENDIRAN FOUNDER  MIMSE NAGAPATTINAM 

Show which is main and subordinate in the following.

I couldn't understand what you are saying. The matter mentioned here is making me happy. I too finished my degree in the University where you had done. Mr.X whom you'd interviewed last week has joined in the opponent party now. Please do something which is useful for this society. Mail your answer to Prepared by  V.MAHENDIRAN THE FOUNDER MIMSE NAGAPATTINAM

Just Try to change the voice of the following

Where is your purse? Where did you meet him? Could this task be done by any one of you here? Speaking too much may cause some troubles to you. I've forgotten where I kept the key. Are you rushing for an interview? Let all items be safely kept on the table. In which area are troubled by this task maker? Will it be given on time by you? Ask Peter to do this work. Someone else has to switch off the machine. Is he to be awarded by the Governor? How did you feel such environment then? Would India have beaten Australia if Aus hadn't put that much target? Doesn't the coffee taste sweet? Prepared by V.MAHENDIRAN THE FOUNDER  MIMSE NAGAPATTINAM

You must need Grammar to know the rules but it shouldn't influence when you speak

You must need Grammar to know the rules but it shouldn't influence when you speak. Please read this article  ENGLISH IS NOT TAUGHT BUT CAN BE CAUGHT. Yes. One can't teach or learn English to speak, but an  intelligent trainer can input English nuts into learners' mind by their authentic training. The training should not be like a black board system, even a digital mode unless it is necessary.  In my place, of course I don not use any black board or marker anything else, but sportively practice is given to make them speak in English. I can kill with Grammar for passing time. Sorry, I am not sailing on the boat if the class is assigned for teaching Grammar. Because, I have experienced in the past days and got burnt. It means, some couldn't speak though being good in Grammar. So, I have found myself a new methodology never copying anyone's else. I would say, only my methodologies are imitated by some institutions nowadays. What is the feature in my methodolo
See this video to know the pronunciation of each letter.

Wish you all the best on this day related very much to Education

MIMSE celebrates and wishes you the same on this  day which is specially iconed for Education. The Goddess Kalimaghal leased this day to bless all of us. On other hand, All traders are worshiping their instruments namely Ayudha Poojaa. In Hindu religion, every festival has reasonable reasons and being celebrated is well known. Today is the day, it is very much believed that it's good to make the kids commence their education. So that, all schools are admitting kids for LKG or I std today though this academy year may not be counted as first. You might have heard that the kids would be directed to write the alphabet on some spread paddy in front of holy lamp at all homes where this act is performed. Even if you do not admit your kid in school today because of lack or year, You may direct your kid to do the performance said above at your home itself. Since long long years ago our ancestors had been doing this on this  day. GREETINGS TO ALL V.MAHENDIRAN THE FOUNDER MIMSE

A trick to have fluency- Vai.Mahendiran

Speak and speak always with any one in English who knows English. Though both of you are in other tongue, speak only in English. Don't skip to your own tongue or interpret into. Perhaps other listeners try to blame both of you, don't bother such person. you guys resume your speech. What topic can you speak?  It's just up to both of you, you may opt the beauty of Ishwarya rai too or about the space or the oceans or about recent political affairs, about anything you can be chatting. But the condition is to be speaking only in English, that's all. If committing errors what to do? It's not a matter in the first stage or even at any stage..! Is English your mother tongue? Then why need you be worried out of that? Think that you are venturing on another boat called English. Rowing it for times may cause some difficulties to you. If you row for some distance, Rowing will be your habitual. You would be surprised of course, whether you are rowing so fast the boat.!

Only continual practice is possible to get fluency

Just spend one hour and meet some difficulties during our practical class. One on one class too is available now in the morning batch, which status you are is not a matter, we have a source to provide you. For more details, contact us dialing or visiting in person. V.MAHENDIRAN THE DIRECTOR MIMSE NAGAPATTINAM

The Batch 10 am to 11 am needs 4 students

Here is vacant for 4 students in the batch  10 am to 11 am. Call on at our place at 9 am for registration. Course: English in all respects Fee: Rs.2500 per month. Class hour: 1 MIMSE NAGAPATTINAM

Online class is available now in MIMSE.

Are you eager to attend with us an online class..? If so. kindly call us and register your skype id of You will be taught on video vision or Voice call. Make friend me in facebook "Vai.Mahendiran" or Skype me to "mahendiranv" Thanks. The Director MIMSE Nagapattinam Tamilnadu India Mobile: 91-9842490745

Admission is registered for morning batches as well as for evening batches.

Morning batches are allotted only for Engineering graduates, freshers after meeting their final year and looking for job. "How to attend an Interview" is trained in this course. Time availability for this course are 10 am to 11 am, 11 am to 12 noon and 12 noon to 01 pm. Evening batches are open for all graduates and +2 students. Engineering graduates too may join in this course. Time availability for this course are 05 pm to 06 pm, 06 pm to 07 pm 07 pm to 08 pm and 08 pm to 09 pm. In whichever the course, "How to speak in English the thoughts fluently" - is trained. Desired candidates may join in, having application posted in our blog already. Thanks and Regards. V.MAHENDIRAN THE FOUNDER/DIRECTOR MAGHENDRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH [MIMSE] NAGAPATTINAM

A new topic is discussed in our centre titled TIT TO TIE. [Reviewing Thoughts In Tamil into Thoughts In English]

TIT to TIE What is TIT to TIE...? This is a kinda exercise. The thoughts spoken obviously in Tamilness is reviewed into Englishness. It does not mean a translation work but something different. You would be asked to speak an idea, given in Tamil, to speak spontaneously in English. You will not be given time to translate. Continuously Ideas would be thrown to you as soon as you finish your previous speech. This is the task of this exercise. How will it be useful to learners...? Only this will be useful to learners now-days as a fast track expression. Learners would  get surely flow, and I have proof a lot by experimenting with my students for long days. Grammar....? Separately it would go on like 'a butter applied cake'.  You should not learn /study Grammar as if you think that you are revising Grammar. Grammar is not taught to you here, but to embed into your mind through some authentic exercises. Anyway, Though Grammar is important you shouldn't be concent

Special class has been assigned for Engineering graduates specially for freshers.

Engineering graduates who are eager to be trained for attending Interviews are invited. Class hours: 10 am to 12 noon 22 classes. Fee Rs.2500 It's a completely practical class. Students must be speaking only in English (right or wrong) during class hours. We will properly guide you to remove the mistakes may be done on your conversation. This class will surely be a good platform to have training to attend your interviews. Only Engineering graduates at any discipline will be admitted in this class. Desired candidates may contact ringing up 9842490745 V.MAHENDIRAN THE DIRECTOR

Can every simple sentence be changed into complex or compound...?

You might be hearing an exercise, changing a simple sentence into complex and compound in your text questions.  Can every simple be changed into complex or compound...? No, It's impossible unless the simple sentence contains a phrase that helps to make complex or compound. "I am living in Chennai" This is a simple sentence. Can it be changed into complex...? No, there is no phrase with this simple. Only a simple sentence along with phrase can be done into complex or compound. "Because of capital of  our state, I am living in Chennai." This is also a simple but with phrase (because of capital of our state-is phrase here.), so it is possible to change into complex or compound. "I am living in Chennai because it is the capital of our state."- Complex " Chennai is the capital of our state and so/ so that/ hence/ so / I am living here - Compound For queries, Dial 9842490745 MAGHENDRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH [MIMSE] NAGAP

See some sorted out simple, complex and compound sentences.

Simple Sheela taught classical dance in the U.S on her staying there for 5 years Complex Sheela taught classical dance when she was staying in the U.S for 5 years. Compund Sheela stayed in the U.S for 5 years, then she taught classical dance  ________________________________________________ Simple In spite of her being tall, she wasn't selected in the fitness examination. Complex Although she was tall, she wasn't selected in the fitness examination. Compound She was tall but she wasn't selected in the fitness examination. ________________________________________________ Simple Due to Oviya's getting stress, she quieted from the game of Big Boss. Complex Since (or) As Oviya had gotten stress, she quieted from the show of Big Boss. Compound Oviya had gotten stress so that she quieted from the show of Big Boss ________________________________________________ Simple Being an unsupported man, he has achieved. Complex Though he is an unsupporte


What is an adjective...? A word which describes the quality of a noun sitting before the noun in all types of structures, this type of position is 'attributive'. (Sometimes, adjective can be placed after 'be' form verbs in pure present or pure past tense, this type of position is 'predicate') CAPITALIZED ARE ADJECTIVES IN ATTRIBUTIVE POSITION CULTURAL function            [Standard adjectives] FANTASTIC idea CONTINUAL rain BEAUTIFUL home MISCELLANEOUS file ENGLISH teacher                 [Noun adjectives] BOOK stall SCHOOL student HOME theatre MARRIAGE hall HIS pen                                 [Possessive adjectives] MEN'S toilet HER chudidhar  RAGUL'S activities MY name WALKING stick                  [Present participle adjectives] SWIMMING pool RUNNING race TALKING dog PARKING spot THAT man                          [Demonstrative adjectives] THIS boy THESE guys THOSE players SUCH thin


This is an easy way to develop your communication skills in English. Imagine, you are in the situation to hearing all speeches in Tamil near your surrounding. Just utilise them for your learning or developing your communication skills.  How...? Your mind spontaneously should do such conversation into English. I mean, you have to think, if they were in English how it would be. It's a kinda self learning method. Listen the conversations going on in Tamil surrounding you, patch that conversation in your mind and try yourself to speak the same in English. It's an easy getting opportunity to develop your communication  skills in English. If you wish to experience like this practice, enroll with us as a student, we will train you. Thanks V.MAHENDIRAN FOUNDER/DIRECTOR MAGHENDRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH [MIMSE] NAGAPATTINAM


Phonetics is a study about to transcribe a word to pronounce, or to learn to pronounce English words. There are 44 sounds or characters while 26 letters are there in English to text the words. We do not pronounce often according to characters as we use to do thorough letters. In fact we use to adjust ourselves to pronounce words though letters are right solution to pronounce. Only here, the 44 characters are helping us to make correct pronunciation to words. Those 44 sounds are divided as 2 sections. They are vowels and Consonants. There are 20 sounds in vowels and 24 in consonants. The 20 sounds of vowels are divided as 2 sub-divisions. They are Pure vowels and Diphthongs. There are 12 sounds in pure vowels while Diphthongs contains 8 sounds. The 24 sound of consonants are divided as 6 sub-divisions. Plosives: 6 sounds; Fricatives: 9 sounds; Affricates: 2 sounds; Nasals: 3 sounds; Lateral: 1 sound and the Semi vowels: 3 sounds. Without combination of vowels and


A bunch of words contained like a sentence is known as preposition phrase. [Capitalized are preposition phrase]  OWING TO HEAVY RAIN, The match was called off. IN THE PRESENCE OF THE DISTRICT COLLECTOR, The function was going on. IN SPITE OF BEING TALL, He couldn't basket even a goal. WITH REFERENCE TO YOUR LETTER DATED 01.08.2017, We are sending this call letter. ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT, States should get permission to implement any act in the future. DUE TO HER HAVING STRESS, Oviya quieted herself from Big Boss. ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF PEOPLE,  Government brought the demonetization process.

MAGHENDRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH (MIMSE) opens a new batch for Engineering graduates

MIMSE (Maghendraa Institute of Mutual Spoken English) is opening a new batch for Engineering graduates who look for job, for training how to face successfully an Interview. Batch hour is assigned in the morning session. 10 am to 11 am, 11 am to 12 pm. Only 5 or 6 students are admitted per batch. For more details , you may log on  The Admin  MIMSE NAGAPATTINAM

VTS is important to be good in written English

Dear learners, Good noon. Believe or not, VTS is so important to be good in English on both spoken and written. Particularly, it is so important for drafting. What is VTS..? To know the structure rules for VOICE, TENSE and STATEMENT. Every statement to be worked out in all tenses on both voices. Imperative can only be done in simple present tense but on both voices. Others must be done as an exercise in all tenses on both voices. VOICES: 2 TENSES: 20 STATEMENTS: 10+ V.MAHENDIRAN


Model sentences with meaning in Tamil for all possible structures in Active voice I have expanded as 20 tenses from 12 tenses in my research. Your speech at any language would be any one of these tenses. Likely in all patterns it is said only 12 or 14 tenses. No any pattern considers what the actual meaning for the structures in which may, can, might, could, would, should, must and ought to are used. There was no any explanation at any pattern ‘how to differentiate might, would and could in present and past cases. Because, “might, could, would” are used on both present and past tenses. It has been explained here giving with suitable examples putting subject first person singular ( I ). BASIC TENSES 12 [1]     எழுதுகிறேன்          Simple Present Tense I (do) write ------------------------------------------------------- [2]     எழுதியிருக்கிறேன்         Present Perfect Tense I have written ------------------------------------------------------- [3]     எழுதிக்கொண்டிரு