Statement is also a structure of sentence to express an Idea, which answers, questions, orders, or exclaims. Feelings and thoughts are delivered through a language in a number of textual structures for his distributing or sharing Ideas. Such ideas are expressed in several ways as follows.
There are many types of statements in our approach; confirm the symbols that are given in the brackets.
Positive answer                                                                      (+ve)
Negative answer                                                                     (-ve)
Question to subject                                                                 (?/S)
Question to verb                                                                    (?/V)
Question to object                                                                  (?/O)
Question to adverbs/complement/indirect object                 (?/Adv/C/I.O)
Positive Specific question      “                                              (?/SP1)
Negative specific question                                                    (?/SP2)
Positive tag question                                                              (?/T1)                                                 
Negative tag question                                                            (?/T2)
Positive Imperative                                                                •
Negative Imperative                                                              •
Exclamatory                                                                           !
A speaker can express his / her views by any of these statements for the situation. Each can be framed on both voices at any tense except Imperative, because such can only be framed in the simple present tense but on both voices. Exclamatory is structured likely in present and past families, others can be done for all tenses on both voices.
See an affirmative is promoted into all statements here, also be known formula for each statement follows for simple present tense in active voice.
Active voice/ Simple present tense/ All statements
 (+ve)  I (do) write a letter                              S  AUX   V   O

            s aux   v          o                                              
(-ve) I don’t write a letter                               S    N.AUX   V   O
 (?/S) Who does write a letter?                       INT  AUX   V   O?
 (?/V) What do you do a letter?                      INT  AUX   S   V   O?
(?/O) What do you write?                               INT   AUX   S   V?
(?/Adv/C/I.O) How do you write a letter? / whre do you write a letter? / Whom do you write a  letter?                                                       INT   AUX   S   V   O?
(?/SP1) Do you write a leter?                         AUX   S   V   O?
(?/SP2) Don’t you write a letter?                   N.AUX    S    V    O?
(?/T1) You do write a letter, don’t you?         S   AUX   V   O, N.AUX   S?
(?/T2) You don’t write a letter, do you?         S   N.AUX   V   O,   AUX   S?   
(•) (Please) Write a letter.                               V   O   
(•) (Please) Don’t write a letter.                     N.AUX   V   O
(!) What a fantastic letter you have written!  WHAT   ARTICLE   ADJECTIVE   NOUN  S   AUX   V!

Passive voice/ simple present tense/ All statements
(+ve)A letter is written by me                                    S  AUX   V   O
              S      aux   v           o             
(-ve) A letter is not written by me                    S    N.AUX   V   O
 (?/S) What is written by you?                         INT   AUX   V   O?
 (?/V) What is a letter done by you?               INT   AUX   S   V   O?
(?/O) By whom is a letter written?                  INT   AUX   S   V?
(?/Adv/C/I.O) How is a letter written? / where is a letter written? / Whom is a letter written?                                                                                INT   AUX   S   V   O?
(?/SP1) Is a letter written by you?                 AUX   S   V   O?
(?/SP2) Isn’t a letter written by you ?           N.AUX    S    V    O?
(?/T1) A letter is written by you, isn’t It?      S   AUX   V   O, N.AUX   S?
(?/T2) A letter isn’t written by you, is It?      S   N.AUX   V   O,   AUX   S?   
(•) (Please)Let a letter be written.                 LET  O    BE      V       
(•) (Please) Let not a letter be written.          LET NOT   O   BE    V            
 (!) What a fantastic letter is written by you! WHAT   ARTICLE   ADJECTIVE   NOUN   AUX   V   O!

Let’s activate an affirmative made in present continuous tense as a model work into all statements (+ve to ?/T2) on both voices
+ve: Sheela is playing key board sweetly
Key board is being played by sheela sweetly
-ve:  Sheela is not playing Key board sweetly
        Key board is not being played by sheela sweetly
?/S : Who is playing key board sweetly?
By whom is key board being played sweetly?
?/V : What is Sheela doing key board sweetly?
What is key board being done by sheela sweetly?
?/O:  What is sheela playing sweetly?
What is being played by sheela sweetly?
?/Adv:  How is Sheela playing Key board?
 How is key board being played by sheela?
?/SP1:  Is Sheela playing Key board     sweetly?
Is key board being played by sheela sweetly?
?/SP2: Isn’t Sheela playing key board sweetly?
Isn’t key board being played sheela sweetly?
?/T1:    Sheela is playing key board sweetly,      isn’t She?
Key board is being played by sheela sweetly, isn’t It?
?/T2:    Sheela isn’t playing key board sweetly, is she?
Key board isn’t being played by sheela sweetly, is It?

Let it be listened, Just the exercises have been practiced in Simple present and present continuous tenses, we can observe for all tenses on both voices in the lesson named “Statement promotion –tense wise”

Shall we go through the next Lesson titled Compartments?


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