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Visiting Professor in English

Mobile 91-9842490745 

PREFACE: Idioms is a figure of speech. 

Some standard structures are in the English language. Those structures would say a meaning that is entire different to the literal meaning. 

'The ship gets some jolting"

Seeing literally, a ship that sails on a sea is not comfortably sailing, isn't it?. That could be a literal meaning. The hidden meaning is, one's life is not so comfortable in survival. 

This is called Idiomatic structure. 

It's not a matter who should speak and write in this way, if you are desiring to handle the English language rhythmically, you could do. 


Let's see some familiar idioms that are used across the world.

 I bet you are right "You told me that she’s not easygoing. I bet you are right."

 I can never thank you enough "You help me deal with that difficult problem. I can never thank you enough."

 I can't believe my eye "I can’t believe my eye. Your room is so neat!"

 I don't buy your story "I don’t buy your story. I’ll find the truth by myself."

 In one’s shoes/place/stead "Anyone in her shoes would have made the same decision."

 I feel the call of nature 

"I feel the call of nature. Where’s the bathroom?"

 I give you my word 

"I give you my word. What I said is totally true."

 I haven't got the foggiest (idea) "I haven’t got the foggiest ideawhat he meant."

 I know what I'm doing "I know what I’m doing. Please don’t disturb."

 I like the way you have "I like the way you have. Be more confident of yourself."

 I lost you "I lost you. Could you explain it again, please?"

 I love her something fierce "Why didn’t Ann come? Did you two break up?"" Don’t be silly! I love her something fierce."

 I may be psychic "To a greater or lesser extent I may be psychic and have accurately predicted things or picked up on things which were not apparent."

 I mean what I say "I meant what I said earlier. I wouldn’t give up the contract easily."

 I must be in love "Why am I in such a good mood lately? I must be in love."

 I was behind my paper correcting "Oops! I was behind my paper correcting. The due day of grading is around the corner. I have to hurry up with my paper correcting."

 I was fooled by the terms "I was fooled by the terms. I think I’d better ask someone else."

 I was starved to death "I was starved to death. Mom, is the dinner ready?"

 I won't take no for an answer "You have no choice. I won't take no for an answer."

 I would appreciate it "Dear, please turn off your noisy radio. I will appreciate it."

 I'd enjoy the/one’s company "It’s great that Sue is coming. I’d enjoy the/her company."

 I'll be right over "Tell them that I will be right overafter finishing my work."

 I'll be right with you "Please have a seat. I’ll be right with you."

 I (will) bet… "I bet he dare not go to see the horrible film."

 I'll give it to you straight "I’ll give it to you straight. The love letter is written by me."

 I'll go a couple of rounds with you "I'll go a couple of rounds with you. Do your best."

 I'll have him call you "My brother isn’t at home now. I’ll have him call you later."

 I'll heed your words "I’ll heed your words. Don’t worry."

 I'll say "Was there a big argument in the meeting last night?""I’ll say."

 I'll see to it "I got your mail. I’ll see to it."

 I'll see you home "It’s too late now. I’ll see you home."

 I'll take a chance "My teacher encourages me to go for the TOEFL test, so I’ll take a chance with it."

 I'll take a rain check on that/something "I have a headache now. Can I take a rain check on your invitation to the concert?"

 I'll/I tell you what "I'll tell you what, it's a wonder Elise didn't have a heart attack when she got that bill."

 I'll/I tell you what "I tell you what- let’s have a picnic in the park."

 I'm afraid you got the wrong number "May I speak to Mr. Smith?" "Sorry, I’m afraid you got the wrong number."

 I'm all for it "Your project is very brilliant- I’m all for it."

I'm beat "I’m beat after the marathon race."

 In one's hands "The itinerary of our tour is completely in Christine's hands."

 I'm getting so big "From the fifth month onwards, I can't believe I’m getting so big."

 I'll be hanged if... "I’ll be hanged if I have ever lied and cheated on you."

 I'm not broke "My finances are low, but I’m not broke. I can still spend small portions of my money for a little fun sometimes."

 I'm not myself today "Please excuse me; I want to take a leave, as I’m not myself today."

 I'm still in shock " I’m still in shock two weeks after the car accident."

 I've got to run "Oh my gosh, it is already so late; I’ve got to run."

 If it's all right with you "Could you open the window if it’s all right with you?"

 Immediate family "The presence of his immediate family is obviously having a claiming effect on him."

 In a jam "We are really in a jam because we don't have enough money to pay the bill."

 In a jiffy "I’ll be with you in a jiffy."

 In a lousy mood "John’s cat got lost last night, so he’s in a lousy mood now."

 In a nutshell "Well, to put it in a nutshell, you did a great job."

 In one ear and out the other, go "Their advice to her just went in one ear and out the other."

 In due time/course "In due time we'll discuss the details of this arrangement."

 In for a treat, be "Check this program out. You will be in for a treat."

 In full charge of "Tom’s performance in the company is outstanding. Within a short period, he is in full charge of the personnel department."

 In good condition/shape "Make sure the old car is in good condition before you drive it."

 In hot water "Those e-mails complaining about your boss can land you in hot water."

 In no time "I tucked myself into the blanket and fell asleep in no time."

 In one's line "Victor plays basketball so well. I think basketball is in his line."

 In short "In short, in this meeting we have to decide whether we should change the way we do business."

 In short order "He was able to deal with unexpected problems in short order."

 In spite of oneself "He was carried away by the splendid performance in spite of himself."

 In that get-up "It’s not appropriate to work in that get-up."

 In the dark "I'm totally in the dark about the plan."

 In the eyes of somebody "In the eyes of Jack, breakfast is necessary."

 In the hole "We're in the hole - every year our revenues grow more slowly than our costs."

 In the long run "Good management in the long run brought profits to the company."

 In the offering "The following is the list of courses in the offering."

 In the pen "The convict was in the pen for more than ten years."

 In the pink "It was almost a miracle that after his bout with pneumonia, he was back in the pink of health."

 In the roar of laughter "The movie was very funny and hilarious; the audiences were in the roar of laughter."

 In the soup "She mailed all the checks with the wrong postage, and now she's really in the soup."

 In turn(s) "Someone must be awake at all times, so let's sleep in turns."

 In/on behalf of " On behalf of his late father, Tom gave a speech to his colleagues on Thanksgiving Day."

 Ineligible for, be "Temporary workers are ineligible for the pension scheme."

 Inferiority complex "Atlanta is on a massive ego trip, mixed with a congenital inferiority complex that makes its citizens overly eager to impress others."

 Information bureau "Brenda is our information bureau in our department; nothing escapes her eagle eye."

 Innocent kid, an "Ten years ago I was still an innocent kid with so many hopes and dreams."

 Inside dope "The television station obtained the most potent piece of inside dope of the election: a letter that proved the canditate's intention of bribery ."

 Installment plan "He bought his new car on the installmentplan."

 Intensive course "The intensive course is about twelve weeks."

 Is someone in, please? 

" Is Frank in, please?" "He just phoned and said he would be a bit late for work today."

 Is my face red? "Stop embarrassing me with those silly romances back in the high school. Is my face red?"

 Is this seat taken? "Excuse me. Is this seat taken?" "No. You can take it."

 Isn't it ever? "Misfortune never comes singly.""Isn’t it ever?"

 Isn't it though? "This restaurant is great.""Isn’t it though?"

 Isn't my word good enough? "Isn’t my word good enough to stand guarantee for his character?"

 It costs sb. a small fortune "It cost me a small fortune to renovate my house."

 It isn't cricket "It is not cricket for a sportsman to behave in such manners."

 It never rains but it pours " Linda first spilled the milk at the breakfast table and messed up her dress. Then when she arrived school, she found out she left her textbooks at home. How true the saying that it never rains but it pours was."

 It was your fault "Since it was your fault, you should bear the consequences."

 It will be just the thing "We roamed the flea market; we found an antique table which would be just the thing for our living room."

 It would really come in handy "That key will really come in handy if you lock yourself out."

 It's a piece of cake "It’s a piece of cake for Sylvester to solve the problems of the mathematic."

 It's about time you start thinking ahead "Now that you are going to graduate, it’s about time you start thinking ahead."

 It's been reserved "May I have the table near the windows? " " I am sorry. It's been reserved. Would you mind sitting at the table against the wall?"

 It's all Greek to me "I feel so bored in the chemistry class. What the teacher taught is all Greek to me."

 It's nice you survived "The Tsunami killed millions of people. It is nice you survived."

 It's none of your business "Don’t try to poke your nose into their marriage; it is none of your business."

 It's on me "Since you are so kind to help me out, this dinner is on me as a token of thanks."

 It's only to find out "He made an inquiry to the travel agency, just to find out the rates of group tours."

(Courtesy to CBJ) 







Mobile 91-9842490745 


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