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Short story. THE LOVE RESCUED Written by V. MAHENDIRAN

Short story. THE LOVE RESCUED Written by V. MAHENDIRAN 🏒🏒🏒🏒🏒🏒🏒🏒 Who is that? Asked Sindhu. I'm here, open the door. Replied Rani. Rani came in and Sindhu asked Rani to have seat. Rani asked what have you decided? Nothing to say, I don't go to change my decision. Said  Sindhu. Rani emphasised Sindhu to forget Shankar, son of Rani, lover of Sindhu. Sorry Aunty, I may die without him. Said Sindhu. Sindhu, He will not be more in three months, that you wouldn't know. Rani gave a shock. What do you mean? - Sindhu. Yes, he is having blood cancer, treatment is going on. He didn't say to me..! How would he say, he doesn't know in this regard. I haven't revealed to him as the doctor had advised me. Doesn't he know?, What do you mean!? Shocked Sindhu. Hence, I would say, please delete him from your mind circuit, that's good for you. Said Rani. Following day, Rani yelled, shankar, shankar.... No, she got any response from his bed

The Truth about English

English is the easiest language in the world. Because she is the tool that was made of best aspects collected from several languages. She was logically designed by experts who were proficient in multilingualism. Assembling words to be a right syntax is an intelligent matter in this language. The dialects in this language are flexible for handling. So that even  non natives too can handle her like a mother tongue. Many words have been imported from various languages for beautifying this language era versa. According to today's assessment, it is known that seventy percent of words hadn't existed when she was found before tenth century. Ingris was her name during eighth century, indeed you couldn't believe that many non natives decorated her when she was spoken by her native speakers in England. She spread by virtue of God across the world owing to many reasons as a second or official language whereas some ancient languages, like Latin, Greek, French, Spanish an


TRANSITIVE, INTRANSITIVE, PERSONAL, IMPERSONAL are modes of sentences.  The first two is concerned for Active structures and the remain two for Passive.  If your active (voice) structure contains an object, that is transitive active. If no, that's intransitive active.  Likewise, in passive, if there is an object, that's personal passive, otherwise impersonal passive.  V. Mahendiran Nagapattinam

How to answer Reading Compression?

How to answer Reading Compression?  First of all you should be able to understand the meaning in every phase. Anyhow, Read completely the passage. Even though you couldn't catch the meaning in early phases, the following phases shall drive you to catch the meaning of the first phases. About what the passage says should be gathered while reading. If it is apart from your knowledge, read completely two or three times. Saving time is important, isn't it? So, Run your mind passionately on the passage. Let your mind bring an interest while reading. Unknown vocabulary can be gotten by you from the lines that follow such word. So, hurl up panic while reading. When you start your reading, let  not  your mind roam anywhere, concentrate only the lines you read. Surely you will get and store in your mind.  If you know the answers in the multiple choice questions in the first section, that means you can answer the second section summarising. Don't summarise as it is said

Either, Neither / Either... or, Neither..... nor.....

Either, Neither - are known as DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNS. Would take only singular verb. They cab be alone or with noun/pronoun as a phrase in subject or object. "Either of them will take the seminar tomorrow. (Either is used here considering any one of two persons)" "Either of your answers is right. (Two persons have answered. One of them is right)" "Neither of your answers is right.(Two persons are there. Both is wrong.)" --------------------------- If EITHER/NEITHER is followed by a noun, it is known as DISTRIBUTIVE ADJECTIVES. Yes, here too singular verb to used. "Either road leads my office. (Two roads are there. Either left road or right road leads my office)" "Neither road leads my office. (Two roads are there. (None leads my office)" -------------------------- EITHER.... OR, NEITHER...... NOR How to use them? Here too, action is distributed any one element of two elements in compound sentences. "Either you

WILL or SHALL? Where and when to use which?

WILL or SHALL? Where and when to use which? WILL is stronger than SHALL in Absolution status in the future case. Both can be used for all persons to mean a future occasion but absolution is taken by WILL more than SHALL. But some Grammarians say SHALL is for I and WE,  and WILL is contracted by HE SHE and THEY. This rule need not be followed for common expression. Then why do they say this rule? While asking permission, only SHALL is used for I and WE. See here. SHALL I GO? SHALL WE START THE COUNTDOWN FOR LAUNCHING THE VESSEL? (Asking permission) WILL I GO? WILL WE START THE COUNTDOWN FOR LAUNCHING THE VESSEL? (Doubtful discussion) V. Mahendiran Founder MAHENDIRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM 


TYPES OF VERBS.  Needless to say that it is so important. If there is no verb,  that is not a sentence. What is verb? Every sentence has a verb,and gives an action to it. (Capitalised are verbs) When did you FINISH it? I AM Mahendiran. I am TEACHING Grammar. How do you DO? SWITCH ON your mobile phone. Why is this guy TORTURING us? Who IS he? If you ask,  'How many verbs are there in English language?' it's hardly to answer. Millions of verbs are there, we use some thousands or hundreds, that's all. Anyway, every verb functions as four forms. Such as PRESENT FORM (V1) Eg. WRITE. PAST FORM (V2) Eg. WROTE. PAST PARTICIPLE FORM (V3) Eg. WRITTEN. PRESENT PARTICIPLE FORM (V4) Eg. WRITING. Any verb has four forms as seen above. (Go to my link verb analysis slides .) These four forms are used in different tenses with a strong support of auxiliaries. V1 is used in all simple tenses with relevant au

Types of Pronouns

Types of Pronouns. What is pronoun? Some words that are used instead of nouns are pronouns. I WE YOU HE SHE IT THEY are called Subjective basic pronouns. ME US YOU HIM HER IT THEM are called Objective basic pronouns. MY OUR YOUR HIS HER ITS THEIR are called Possessive basic pronouns, (but they are known as Possessive Adjectives.) MINE OURS YOURS HIS HERS ITS THEIRS are called Possessive basic pronouns. MYSELF OURSELVES YOURSELF/YOURSELVES HIMSELF HERSELF ITSELF THEMSELVES are called Reflexive pronouns. THIS THESE THOSE THAT SUCH are called Demonstrative pronouns. EACH OTHER ANOTHER are known as Distributive pronouns. EITHER NEITHER are called Reciprocal Pronouns. ONE SOME ANY MANY ALL NONE are known as Indefinite pronouns. (Also they are known as Indefinite adjectives.) WHAT WHICH WHO WHOM are known as Interrogative pronouns. Anyhow, a pronoun is an another word for a noun. V. MAHENDIRAN FOUNDER MAHENDIRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH (MIMSE GLOBA


TYPES OF NOUNS. Noun is well known that anything in front of you. Person, thing, any living or non living being. Quality, status of a person or a thing is also a noun. Mainly four types are there. Proper noun Common noun Abstract noun Collective noun. Proper noun means names of persons, countries, cities etc. Also names of months, days are also proper noun. GANESH, NAGAPATTINAM, TAMILNADU, CHENNAI, INDIA, MONDAY, JANUARY etc. Common noun means any living being, things anything in the world. Big volume of items are common noun. FATHER, FAMILY, HOME, TOWN,  COUNTRY (NOT NAME), TABLE, CHAIR, BUILDING, TOAD, CAR, DRIVER, SHOP, SOAP, BATHROOM, BIRD, ANIMAL, COMPUTER etc. Abstract noun mean quality of a person or a thing, anything that is not seen but recognised. EDUCATION, VOLUME, DENSITY, THICKNESS, SOFTNESS, HARDNESS, EXAMINATION, CAUTION, PRECAUTION, ADMINISTRATION, NATIONALISM, BRAVERY, COURAGE, COWARD, SUPERIORITY COMPLEX etc. Collective noun means a gang of anything bei


I have said many times in my previous posts that a learner must know the rules of voices, tenses and statements.  It means, a sentence that may be framed in simple present tense/active voice /affirmative to be promoted in negative, regular interrogative against all compartments, specific interrogative (both positive and negative) and tag interrogative (both positive and negative) ON BOTH VOICES.  This type of task is called STATEMENT PROMOTION ON BOTH VOICES. I titled myself, the same is trained to my students.  This task should be done for all tenses. The sentence should be a transitive one, because only then one can do on both active and passive voices.  First, students should be asked to write. Then to read the same extensively. Later, to speak the same without referring the notebook. However, students must not be tortured by giving any tough sentence in beginning.  Should start from the simple present tense giving an easy structure, like, I WRITE A LETTER TO MY FR
English is a hybrid language. This is the reason that she looks hard and soft to learners. Scandinavian and west Germanic are the parental ancestors of English. English can be caught but not taught- is a familiar sentence, trainers must know it. Grammar of this language is intellectual as she was made of several languages in structures. There is no much difference between literate and colloquial forms in spoken English. However, some rhythms are added on speaking. She was born in England and spread across the world due to  various reasons. Besides ENGLAND, USA, CANADA, SOUTH AFRICA, AUSTRALIA and  NEW ZEALAND rule their offices in complete  English as a mother tongue. Also some rich lands in Europe continent are the  owners of English. Besides Scandinavian and West Germanic, Latin, Spanish, French and Greek have blessed this language to be a first class language in the world. In fact, seventy percent of words that you use today didn't exist in old English. All were impo

*Missing the woods for the trees* What does it mean?

*Missing the woods for the trees* - is a familiar idiom in English. (WOODS means FOREST) It is meant in various ways. It might mean, Horlicks manufacturer buys an half kg Horlicks bottle from a road side grocery shop. He is missing there his forest that is his godown but needs his product on road side. In another angle, it could mean, As the trees are cut down one by one, forest loses its image.' Peter sold out his good business as he was in need of big money. V. MAHENDIRAN MIMSE NAGAPATTINAM

What does M. T. I. mean?

Mother tongue influence. Shortly it is abbreviated as MTI. What does it mean? If you are not a native speaker of a language, (eg.English), when you handle English, your mother tongue will show its influence unfortunately. This intention is called M. T. I. It's a sensitive situation to a non-native person of English. Can one be away from the influence of his Mother tongue? In one way it is possible. If you think your ideas always in English, can be farther distance from thinking ideas in your mother tongue. But can't be without the influence of mother tongue. Even if you think your ideas in your mother tongue, such ought to be done in  English dialect. This is the big task to one whose mother tongue is not  English. This task can be cracked easily only by Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing activities. Who does these activities as a routine work can be very good in English like a native speaker. Above all, you must be very much interested to breathe English.


Transitivity of verbs are classified as Transitive, Intransitive and Absolute Intransitive. --------------- A verb which takes an object in a sentence means transitive verb. "I WRITE A LETTER " " SHE RUNS MANY COMPANIES ACROSS THE WORLD " " HE WALKS HIS BABY FIRST TIME" "THE NURSE SAT THE PATIENT ON A CUSHION CHAIR. *************** Any verb which doesn't take an object in a sentence for a situation means intransitive verb. " SHE CAN WRITE FAST" (so, Give this work to her.) " SHE RUNS SLOWLY" (so, she won't win in the race.) "WHERE DO YOU WALK TO SO FAST? " " THE PATIENT SAT ON THE CHAIR HIMSELF" *************** Some verbs can never take an object at any situation. They are called Absolute Intransitive verb. GO, COME and a few are in this case. *************** V. MAHENDIRAN MAHENDIRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM TAMILNADU-INDIA

NEED - as a verb and auxiliary in different situations.

NEED -  as a verb and auxiliary in different situations. ------------------------ NEED AS A VERB . 🍏What do you need to say? 🍏I don't need to say anything. 🍏Does anyone need to say anything about this? 🍏I need to say something. 🍏I needed to say my suggestion yesterday. 🍏Will you need the script in your hand on the conference, held tomorrow? (Likely, NEED is not used in continuous tenses.) NEED is a transitive verb. See NEED is in passive form.  🍏Your suggestion is needed. 🍏Yes the script will be needed on my submission. --------------------- NEED AS AN AUXILIARY. 🍎Need I bring my original documents? 🍎Yes, you need bring. 🍎No,  you need not bring it. V. Mahendiran Nagapattinam ADMIN MAHENDIRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM

DARE as an auxiliary and as a verb.

1. DARE auxiliary. 2. DARE  verb. 1. AUXILIARY How dare you ask this question ? Who dare answer it? I dare answer it. Sorry, I dare not answer it. 2. VERB How do you dare to ask this question? Who does dare to answer it? I dare to answer it. Sorry, I don't dare to answer it. Is there any difference between these usages? Not at all in the meaning except some micro dialects, however, it depends upon the situations. V. MAHENDIRAN MIMSE GLOBAL ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM 

How dare you hit him? STORY.

Peter cried, No Miss, I haven't hit him, he himself injured.  No, I don't believe you, Peter, I know well about Sham, he would not lie.  Teacher slammed Peter using stick.  Peter again and again begged that he didn't do so. Teacher denied peter's explanation.  Though Peter wasn't so good in studies, he would be calm always.  Finally the matter went to the principal for investigation. Principal met alone Sham and enquired what  actually happened.  Sham agreed that there was no fault on Peter  , and he himself fell down, also said,  Peter was his neighbour, he tried to defeat in the forthcoming examination,so that he envied on him.  Principal advised sham not to lie in the future and pardoned him. The teacher too apologised to Peter.  Following day, the same complaint was raised by Sham. The teacher denied, Principal too.  But Sham cried loudly that was true unlikely the previous!   Peter himself agreed that he had hit Sham. The teacher confused a

What does the idiom 'THE RUBBER HITS/MEETS THE ROAD mean?

In fact, this idiom is informally used by many in the world. When a project or a process starts to function this idiom should be used. Let's see some sentences. --------------- I've bought a new car,  I'll come to its function WHEN IT HITS THE ROAD. Dear passengers Greetings to all. Kindly fasten your seat belt as the rubber is going to hit the road. All of you guys be alert where the rubber meets the road, only then we could determine our success. V. MAHENDIRAN Founder MIMSE GLOBAL ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM 


One  on one class is available. PRACTICAL SPOKEN ENGLISH TRAINING. Duration: minimum 3 months. Morning batch: 10 to 11, 11 to 12, 12 to 01. Evening batch: 04 to 05, 05 to 06, 06 to 07, 07 to 08 and 08 to 09. Registration is going on. MAHENDIRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM.

WHAT as a relative pronoun.

Among all relative pronouns, WHAT is a different one. WHAT can only be  used in noun clause if it is used as a relative pronoun, not in adjectival relative clause. In adjectival cases, THAT or WHICH is preferred. Though it is the rule of Grammar, in spoken forms WHAT is widely used as a relative pronoun on adj relative clauses. "I understand WHAT he says." ☑ "I understand the matter WHAT  he says." ❌ I understand the matter THAT he says."☑ V.MAHENDIRAN

Why is English important?

Every good attitude is important for life. English too is in the row in that list. Despite a number of languages are spoken across the world, how did English take the king chair? The only reason is derivation. English's ancestors are Greek, Latin, Spanish, French and Germanic. English was absolutely derived from these language. All features of these languages were adapted by the ancient .beautifiers like Geoffrey Chaucer and many in tenth and eleventh centuries. So that, The pretty idol made by several materials is looking so beautiful. Dialects, structures, Grammar rules all were minutely sculptured, tuned, fine tuned and polished in EnglishNDI  from those languages. V. MAHENDIRAN FOUNDER MAHENDIRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM. (MIMSE GLOBAL ENGLISH) 

In fact, Training one to speak English is hard work.

To train a person to speak in English is not an easy job. The state of training is depending upon learners quality. Because based on the grasping ability of a learner, a trainer can perform good or bad. In my experience, persons who ran away half of the course is more than tended till the end of the course. But the fact who ended the course successfully are in big post across the world.  Because of lack of patience, many learners have quitted, and myself I have removed a lot of students from the course. The second one is more than the first one.  I might not be patient to teach them, that may be the reason. V. MAHENDIRAN 

What is subject and predicate? Also what is sentence pattern?

An explanation about SUBJECT and PREDICATE section in a sentence. There would be two sections in a sentence. Subjective and optional. Subjective is frequently called SUBJECT section. It contains Subject. Who does,  or who is done. Is subject section. Optional is frequently called predicate section. What / How/where /when does he do an action? There are some confusions among Grammarians, whether verb belongs to Subject section or predicate section. Actually Verb is the main part of a sentence, But if a sentence is parted as two, verb belongs to predicate. If it is parted as three, verb gets its own section. Nivetha writes Nivetha - Subject Writes- Though it's a verb, it's predicate. Nivetha writes a letter to her friend Nivetha - is subject. Others are predicate. The talk above is only about SUBJECT and PREDICATE. You may have some confusion, then What is sentence pattern? That is different. A sentence can be parted as some compartments
I don't know why many Grammarians treat auxiliaries as  verbs. I read  just now modals are followed by  bare infinitive. Modals are modals. They aren't verbs V. MAHENDIRAN

Institutions may call us for visiting class at your venue

Dear institutions, if you are in need of visiting class to train your students English as a language, you may call us 9842490745. V. MAHENDIRAN Visiting Professor in English NAGAPATTINAM 

'Use to' or 'Used to'

USE TO,  USED TO. Mostly the second is used though the first is also right. USED TO is used like an aux by many grammarians while it is absolute to use as a verb. Are you used to smoke? Do you use to smoke? I am not used to smoke. I don't use to smoke. In U.S.A,  Likely USED TO is concerned as an auxiliary where as it is not accepted based on British rule. In U.K, USED TO is split USED is a past or past participle from, and TO is a preposition followed by an infinitive verb. I don't have an idea ARE YOU USED TO SMOKE? belongs to  which voice. But it seems to be an impersonal passive. Even if it is concerned as a passive form, how could it be under rule? I'm not sure about it. DO YOU USE TO GO TO TEMPLES? YES, I DO USE TO GO.  I DON'T USE TO GO. WHAT DO YOU USE TO TAKE INSTRUMENT TO PLAY IN YOUR ORCHESTRA? I USE TO PREFER KEYBOARD. DO YOU USE TO WALK DAILY? I DON'T USE TO DO IT DAILY. All seen above are intransitive active structures. In


There is no any other go to catch words but only through reading books.  What's your favourite field? Cricket? Anatomy? Food? Astronomy? Anything it may be, you should be interested in that. Only then, you could be touring on your book.  Decide yourself which your area is. Read again and again, you could get probability to know new words. You need not memorise even if you read your book again and again as I've said here.  Watch your favourite movie dialogues in your mother tongue along with subtitles in English, this is also an authentic way to catch words.  Why don't you try today onwards?  V. MAHENDIRAN  Director  MAGHENDRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM 


GOOD  WELL Good is an adjective, also used as an adverb by some grammarians. However, it's preferred as an adjective obviously. Well is of course as an adverb. It's never used as an adjective at any situation. V. MAHENDIRAN The Director MAGHENDRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM Mobile 6380406625 

Is English tough?

If you feel English is tough , anything in this world is tough . Do you feel breathing is tough ? Do you think that eating is a hard work ? Have you felt ever before sleeping is a boring activity ? If you say 'yes', English would be tough to you. V. MAHENDIRAN MAGHENDRAA INSTITUTE OF MUTUAL SPOKEN ENGLISH NAGAPATTINAM